
Probability that an electron hits an ion at ionization process


Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons to form ions. If an electron is in an electric it will be accelerated and travels in the direction of the field.The accelerated electron will acquire more than enough energy to ionize an atom. This liberated electron will in turn be accelerated which will lead to another collision. A chain reaction then leads to avalanche breakdown and an arc takes place from the cascade of released electrons. The number of ionization depends upon the probability that an electron hits an ion. This probability is the relation of the cross-sectional area of a collision between electron and ion in relation to the overall area that is available for the electron to fly through

Related formulas


PThe probability that the electrons hit the ions (dimensionless)
NThe number of electrons (dimensionless)
σThe cross-sectional area of a collision between electron and ion (m2)
AThe area that is available for the electron to fly through (m2)