
Entropy analysis - Trip distribution (proportional to trip origins and destinations)


Trip distribution (or destination choice or zonal interchange analysis) is the second component (after trip generation, but before mode choice and route assignment) in the traditional four-step transportation forecasting model. This step matches tripmakers’ origins and destinations to develop a “trip table”, a matrix that displays the number of trips going from each origin to each destination. Historically, this component has been the least developed component of the transportation planning model.

Wilson (1970) gives another way to think about zonal interchange problem. This section treats Wilson’s methodology to give a grasp of central ideas.

Related formulas


Tijtrips from i to j (dimensionless)
Aiparameter A (dimensionless)
Bjparameter B (dimensionless)
Tioutbound trips, origin (dimensionless)
Tjinbound trips, destinations (dimensionless)
βparameter function of the (average) energy available to the particles in the system (dimensionless)
Cijtravel cost from i to j (dimensionless)